The family way: The best postpaid plan today


Here’s an idea that the entire family can get on board with, literally. The Airtel myInfinity Family Plan simplifies payments and reduces bills, while offering a single plan that covers all.

Your family is important to you – so important, that you are willing to take up even the most menial and boring tasks on everybody’s behalf.

Take, for instance, phone bill payments. You are in charge of paying each family member’s phone bills. This means keeping track of different bill payment due dates. It also means keeping track of which prepaid user’s pack is about to expire and when it needs to be recharged. While you don’t mind doing this, it becomes a cumbersome task! It is also difficult to keep track and settle all the bills and recharges when you are on vacation or travelling for work, or simply too busy to do it right away.

Which is why mobile telephony behemoth Airtel came up with the ingenious idea to offer people like you some respite, in the form of the postpaid family plan. It is a postpaid plan that clubs all family members’ Airtel numbers and usage under one umbrella plan. Thus, instead of multiple bill payments and phone recharges, you only pay one single bill which incorporates individual usage. How’s that for a simple and smart solution to one of your biggest financial stresses?

What is the Airtel Family Plan?

It is a postpaid family plan that covers the entire family’s postpaid and prepaid bills under one single plan. This does not mean that each family member gets the same plan – rather, one plan incorporates all the separate plans currently in use. However, the plan can be operationalised only when all family members have Airtel phone numbers, whether postpaid or prepaid.

The Airtel postpaid family plan makes account management and bill payment extremely easy. You just have one interface to deal with, instead of multiple ones.

Start by adding each family member’s Airtel phone number to the postpaid family plan, as directed. You can do this on the Airtel website or the myAirtel app. Once each number is added, each family member will receive an OTP on their phones. Each person must verify the respective OTPs. After verification, the number is added to the myInfinitypostpaid plan.

Read more: The family way: The best postpaid plan today

Once active, all participating family members can share their Internet data. Meanwhile, you can set limits on individual usage and also use the individual consumption tracking facility to see how much data has been consumed by each member.

This is the best postpaid family plan to choose, because it makes bill payment not just simpler, but economical too. On an average, you get up to 20% savings on the entire plan.

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