How to Maintain Your Air Conditioner for Faster Cooling?


Purchasing an air conditioner with top-notch features such as a wide body design for better heat exchange and faster cooling is a good idea. However, maintaining it can come with its own share of battles. So how can you maintain your AC and make sure that it lasts for a long time and offer consistent performance? You need to look after it well. Here is how you can do that.

See that you change the air filter

Your AC works in a regular cycle. In this way, it passes air throughout your home. After it lets out cool air, it gathers the old air and puts it into the system. Prior to the air going back to the air handler, it passes through an air filter. This makes certain the air pollutants are caught in the filter. When this filter gets clogged up, it limits airflow moving to the handler. This puts a strain on the system. As a result, it runs ineffectively. This is why it is important to change your air filter from time to time.

Pay attention to the pipe insulation

If the insulation is disintegrated or torn, it can greatly affect the cooling power of the air conditioner. So, see that you examine the insulation of your coolant pipes. If required, make certain you have them replaced. This ensures your Sanyo AC runs effectively and efficiently.

Tidy up your outside compressor

You have to make sure that the compressor, as well as condenser coils, are clean and in the best of condition. This is all part of the tune-up so it is better to have this one by a professional. When the coils get dirty, they do not absorb heat in the most effective manner. When cleaning coils, you have to examine the fins. This is because they are delicate and can so bend easily. So if you happen to notice bent fins, straighten them out with the help of a fin comb. See that grass, old leaves, and weeds that accumulate over time are cleaned up. Items should be stored near the exterior compressor. The system becomes less energy efficient if the airflow is blocked.

See that you look at the wiring

One other way in which you can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your air conditioner is by looking at the wiring in the condensing unit.

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Look for signs of wear and tear as well as overheating. See that you turn the air conditioner off before looking at the wiring setup. If you happen to notice frayed, scorched or damaged wires, get in touch with a professional.

Give your system a little rest

Sometimes, even proper maintenance and check-ups do not repair your air conditioner. You may still experience efficiency problems. Make certain you go easy on your air conditioner. This ensures your monthly bills are low. You can keep these handy tips in mind.

  • Use spray foam and caulk to seal air leaks that exist in your residential area
  • Stay away from heat-producing appliances especially during the hottest time of the day and run these appliances after dark
  • Go in for a good thermostat so that you can control cool temperatures and not waste air conditioning when no one is at home
  • Steer solar heat away from sun-facing windows by making use of blackout curtain or even heavy drapes
  • Replace weather stripping that exists around doors as well as windows especially if they are cracked or brittle

Pay attention to these factors and you are sorted.

So there you go. While purchasing an air conditioner online is easy, see that you stay true to these factors while maintaining it too. Rest assured, it is sure to last for a long time to come.

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