Cost of the Sales force training and route planning technologies


It is impossible to evaluate all the payments essential for the sales : in particular indirect costs are always ignored or minimized. For this reason we have compiled a list of typical costs for the sales force. Where high costs arise, it makes sense to consider optimization workday online training and click site to get it .

We have established a cost evaluator for the deals force with which you can calculate the direct costs for your sales network and the savings potential thanks to optimized route planning.

Taking all costs into account, the expenses for the sales force amount to over € 120,000 per agent per year. For 8 visits a day and 200 days of work a year, a single visit costs you € 75 . Depending on the sector, this value can be up to € 200 per visit. How do you arrive at this amount.

In addition to the salary and vehicle costs , it takes a lot more to create and maintain the sales, consulting or service team. Below is an overview of all the costs and time wasted affecting agent expenses. You will surely discover one or the other element that is usually attributed to accounting or to another department, but which in fact relate to the sales force:

In light of these costs, any optimization in the sales force is worthwhile. Even if you only manage to save 1%, this equates to € 1,200 per year. The benchmark study showed, out of 109 companies interviewed, that through route planning the average contribution margin of an agent can increase from € 532,000 to € 819,000. This is a 54% increase.

First of all it is necessary to evaluate the existing sales force

Maybe your sales force is fine the way it is. Maybe not. How can you tell? Evaluating the sales force is an important step in the process of deciding if and how to grow your sales team. Even if your existing sales force is efficient and numerically adequate to fuel future growth, you may still need to provide additional training or update it. On the other side, these sales force may require to thrive by a few chairs, or you may not need to increase the number of your salespeople but simply have several people to fill certain sales positions. The first step in evaluating your sales force is determining what you want it to do for you.