Bulk WHOIS Lookup – Is it possible?


The Benefits of the Bulk Whois Lookup Service

The benefits include easy integration, query results including raw texts, parsed fields and key data points. This includes registrant names, email addresses, registrant information, domain availability, domain age, the organization and other pertinent information. The query results are returned in the user friendly and popular XML and JSON file formats to provide the most efficient delivery. The Whois Record includes the registration details for a domain name or an IP address.

The Bulk Whois Lookup

There are many practical uses for numerous industries with bulk whois. Cyber security researchers can effectively curb and interrogate cyber-crimes by creating exceptional anti-malware and cyber security solutions. These solutions are possible by using the Whois database for the detection of unauthorized intrusions, spam, malicious websites and any online activity capable of compromising data integrity.

Whois is already being used by numerous financial institutions and payment processors to detect financial improprieties and fraud. National and local security apparatus and law enforcement agencies can correctly identify websites, IP addresses and connected domains through the bulk Whois data. This can help decrease both fraud and crime. This is not only possible, it is happening.

Businesses and Who is

Brand agents leading businesses can use the Whois platform data to safeguard their company. They can check any potential intellectual property violations and trademark infringements. This is possible because the Whois engine is capable of spotting any domain name duplicates. The registrar offers services to ensure free domain execution and registration are hassle free. For matters regarding eCommerce, owners and website managers can use the Whois service to locate potential markets, partners and business opportunities for their services and products. The service is already being used by domain investors to locate growth and investment opportunities in the untapped markets to boost their sales by expanding the market.

The Trust Factor

In excess of 52,000 clients trust Whois. This includes AT&T, Amazon, Apple and eBay Cisco. The system is capable of supporting nearly 3000 of the top level domains.

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Domains can be identified according to the business or by the individual to see how they have been interconnected. It is important to note the restrictions regarding the number of domains and the usage limitsfor each query are extremely generous.

The History

Whois was originally established eight years ago. Since then, more than five billion records have been searched and 300 million domains tracked with the bulk whois lookup. The service is trusted, reputable and able to conveniently facilitate payments online. The service provides competitive customer service to make certain every query is answered as quickly as possible in an unhindered fashion.

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A special email is offered to expedite support for customized Whois products and services as well as generalized inquiries and support issues. Non-urgent services are available through a dedicated phone number to cater to the customers. The bottom line is bulk Whois provides the services required by the modern business.